Phase Two, The Mission Continues: GLPS hosts roundtable and releases Policy Note on the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

December 9, 2012

On 7 December 2012, Group for Legal and Political Studies hosted a roundtable and released a Policy Note on the topic of the EU-facilitated Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue. The panelists generally agreed that the dialogue could be a tool for both Kosovo and Serbia to move forward in normalizing relations and proceeding down the path towards the European Union. However, panelists provided varied opinions regarding the success of the dialogue thus far and the ways in which Kosovo should proceed.

GLPS released a Policy Note on the dialogue, entitled: “Phase Two, The Mission Continues: Can a rejuvenated EU-facilitated Kosovo-Serbia dialogue account for the past, foresee political positioning, and pave the path towards progress?”, which can be accessed here. The Policy Note illustrates the history of the dialogue and the complications that arose during the first phase of talks which lasted from March 2011 – February 2012, analyzes the rhetoric and substance of the first three rounds of the second phase of the now high-level dialogue taking place between Kosovo’s and Serbia’s Prime Ministers and facilitated by the EU High Representative, and offers recommendations and cautions regarding the future of the dialogue and the way forward.

Policy Roundtable: “Would political dialogue help? Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and dilemmas for a solution in the north”


  1. Ms. Aubrey Hamilton, Group for Legal and Political Studies (Presenter of the Policy Note)
  2. Ms. Adrijana Hodžić, Chief, Administrative Office for the North;
  3. Mr. Adriatik Kelmendi, Editor in Chief, KTV;
  4. Mr. Liburn Aliu, MP, Movement for Self-Determination (VV);
  5. Mr. Robert Bosch, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Kosovo;
  6. Mr. Damijan Sedar, EUSR Adviser on Regional Cooperation;
  7. Mr. Bernd Burwitz, Head of EULEX Political Reporting Office;
  8. Mr. Belul Beqaj, Political Analyst on Kosovo-Serbia relations;
  9. Mr. Azem Vllasi, Political Analyst on Kosovo-Serbia relations.

Chair: Mr. Fisnik Korenica, Group for Legal and Political Studies

Date:Friday, December 7, 2012

Venue: The Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina, Kosovo

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