One year after the entry into force of the SAA: Are we getting closer to the integration in the EU?

February 27, 2017

On 27 February 2017, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) hosted a Roundtable Discussion on the topic: “One year after the entry into force of the SAA: Are we getting closer to the integration in the EU?”, held in Prishtina.  The aim of this event was to discuss the progress in implementing the objectives deriving from the National Programme for Implementation of SAA (NIPSAA), highlight challenges identified, and discuss the role of key institutions responsible to implement the reforms stemming from the SAA, in the short term.  At the beginning of the event, GLPS presented some findings resulting from the monitoring of NIPSAA, conducted by GLPS in a one-year period. In addition, results of the monitoring process suggest lack of proactive coordination between institutions, capacities in drafting adequate laws and strategies in compliance with the EU Acquis, proper budget planning and, amongst others, lack of political will in achieving the objectives deriving from NIPSAA. During the debate, panelists reiterated the importance of the SAA as the first contractual agreement between Kosovo and the EU, and highlighted the need for an enhanced coordination among key institutions responsible to implement the measures envisaged in the NIPSAA.  At the end, concrete recommendations in relation to the role that the entire political and institutional spectrum, civil society and media should play, to ease its implementation and help increase the accountability of public institutions in this process.


  1. H.E. Ms. Angelika Viets – Ambassador, German Embassy in Kosovo;
  2. Ms. Mimoza Ahmetaj – Minister, Ministry of European Integration;
  3. Ms. Njomza Emini – Head of the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration;
  4. Ms. Donika Kadaj Bujupi -Member, Parliamentary Committee on Stabilization and Association;
  5. Ms. Albana Merja – Presenter of the findings, Group for Legal and Political Studies


Venue: Swiss Diamond Hotel (Mother Theresa Square,  10000 Prishtina, Kosovo)

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