GLPS held a Roundtable Discussion on the topic: In Search of Consensus: What is Serbia requesting from the dialogue with Kosovo?”

April 24, 2018

On April 24, Group for Legal and Political Studies held the third roundtable of the series “In Search of Consensus”, on the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, entitled: “In Search of Consensus: Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and the European Union integration perspective”, held in Prishtina. The aim of this event was to discuss the process of the Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, in the context of the EU enlargement perspective. During the discussion, a special focus was given to the EU Enlargement Perspective Strategy for the Western Balkans, published by the European Union this February, which clearly states that the Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should be concluded through a “legally binding” agreement.  At the beginning of the discussion, GLPS presented a Policy Note entitled: “In Search of Consensus: Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue in the framework of the EU enlargement”, drafted by Mr. Agron Bajrami. This Note discusses the Dialogue process within the framework of the EU enlargement perspective, with special focus on the EU Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans, which provides an increased importance to the process by considering it as essential towards the integration perspectives of both Kosovo and Serbia.  Opening the discussion, Mr. Bajrami, the author of the Note and Editor-in-Chief at Koha Ditore, stated that the recent Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans is of a crucial importance and has a direct impact on the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue. According to him, the integration path of both countries is directly dependent on the results that this process will produce at the end. While discussing the need for a political consensus, Mr. Konjufca from Vetëvendosje said that the consensus is not the most important issue for the process, as the consensus is important only when national interests are being protected. In addition, he said that the process should be led by the Government of Kosovo and under the direct supervision of the Kosovo Assembly, while excluding the possibility for the Dialogue to be led by the President of Kosovo. In addition, Mr. Isufi from AAK addressed further the audience by stating that regardless by whom the process is being led, the main responsibility remains with the Assembly of Kosovo which should properly act as a supervisor to the process, while position and the opposition parties should also be kept accountable for the progress towards achieving concrete results during the political dialogue. Adding further to the discussion, Mr. Sherifi from Nisma, highlighted the need for the establishment of a well-structured and sustainable political platform that will employ a strategic approach towards this final phase of the Dialogue and serve as a mechanism that would contribute to the stability of the region, among others. Finally, both representatives of the civil society, Mr. Rashiti and Mr. Beqaj agreed that with the recent Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans, the Dialogue represents a crucial milestone for the Kosovo’s path towards the EU integration itself, and political spectrum should seek for a consensus and a sustainable platform with concrete guidelines, in order to finalize the process in a successful manner.


Mr. Glauk Konjufca – Member of Parliament, LVV;

Mr. Ahmet Isufi – Member of Parliament, AAK;

Mr. Bilall Sherifi – Member of Parliament, Nisma;

Mr. Naim Rashiti – Executive Director, Balkan Group for Policy Research (BGRP);

Mr. Belul Beqaj – Expert on Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue;

Mr. Agron Bajrami – Author of the report and Editor-in-Chief at Koha Ditore.


Venue: Hotel Swiss Diamond, Prishtina.

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