Policy Reports

Policy Reports are lengthy papers which provide a tool/forum for the thorough and systematic analysis of important policy issues, designed to offer well informed scientific and policy-based solutions for significant public policy problems. In general, Policy Reports aim to present value-oriented arguments, propose specific solutions in public policy – whereby influencing the policy debate on a particular issue – through the use of evidence as a means to push forward the comprehensive and consistent arguments of our organization. In particular, they identify key policy issues through reliable methodology which helps explore the implications on the design/structure of a policy. Policy Reports are very analytical in nature; hence, they not only offer facts or provide a description of events but also evaluate policies to develop questions for analysis, to provide arguments in response to certain policy implications and to offer policy choices/solutions in a more comprehensive perspective. Policy Reports serve as a tool for influencing decision-making

Showing Policy Reports

Policy Reports

Financing of Political Parties in Kosovo― can controllability and transparency help?

Policy Reports

Are Judges Underpaid? The Impact of Salary Rates on the Performance of the Judiciary in Kosovo

Policy Reports

The EU-Kosovo Relationship in the Context of EU Enlargement Policy

Policy Reports

Civil Service Reform in Kosovo: ― a debate on concepts, strategies and developments

Policy Reports

Freedom of Movement, Revisited: the struggle to instate rule of law and trigger effective governance in the north of Kosovo

Policy Reports

Pension System in Kosovo: Review of Current State, Main Challenges and Gaps

Policy Reports

Kosovo and Visa-free travel regime ― The increasing EU Member States’ scepticism and regional experiences

Policy Reports

Morning After: Life Without Supervision – A critical review of progress against the Ahtisaari Plan to settle Kosovo’s status and some unresolved issues

Policy Reports

Between privatization, deregulation and liberalization: The failures of energy market strategy in Kosovo and European Union benchmarks

Policy Reports

Dissimilar Patterns of (Mis)Using the Public Money: Trends and Practices of Public Procurement Management in Kosovar Municipalities

Policy Reports

From Technical Arrangements to Political Haggling: The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and the North of Kosovo

Policy Reports

For a Semi-Presidential Regime: Where is the New-Born Republic Heading?